safety and policy updates

  • All staff are fully vaccinated.

  • Masks are not required but if any client would prefer to wear one, or would like their trainer to wear one, we are happy to accommodate.

  • During the introductory and assessment process you WILL be asked about your vaccination status. This is for the general knowledge of our staff as well as to ensure that we keep high risk or compromised clients training at different times than unvaccinated clients. THEREFORE:

  • It is required that everyone provide a clear and accurate answer with regard to their vaccination status. You may be asked to provide proof of your covid-19 vaccine. Giving a false or misleading answer to covid-19 vaccination status will result in the immediate cancellation of the training contract, and all purchased sessions will be forfeited.

  • And lastly, we value inclusion, compassion, and a sense of community. We strive to build everyone up and to support one another through a welcoming, open-minded environment. We are LGBTQ+ friendly.

Build Strength, Resolve Chronic Pain, and Manage Weight


Core Concepts and Theory

In coming up with a name for our business it was important that it represented exactly what we do. We do not follow the latest trend or fad just because it’s popular. We follow the latest science behind human movement and the human movement system, and combine it with straight-forward, tried and true methods that focus on stability, control, and strength progression.

We create a Foundation for your understanding of fitness, exercise, and weightlifting, and Personalize it to your goals, lifestyle, and abilities.

Industry Secrets

What is often not talked about in the fitness world, and to an extent, the medical world in general, is that there are many elements and aspects of the human body and how it does what it does, and why it does what it does, that are still unknown.

That is why it is so important to stay current with any scientific information coming out about our bodies and how they function. Sometimes the latest fad actually is on to something. But more often than not it’s just something “new” in order to keep people interested. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But when injuries abound, it’s time to question the methodology.


No matter what profession you work in, there is a method for everything in order to achieve consistent, productive, and efficient results. Working out is no different. It might seem that way because everyone at the gym is doing something different, but that’s honestly just because most of us have never been taught the proper methodology behind exercise and human movement, and how to achieve effective, knowledge driven results. 

It’s really no surprise when all we ever did in gym class was play kickball. Which was pretty awesome, but we didn’t learn much. 

So if you are interested in gaining knowledge, then putting into practice the methodology of efficient and effective exercise, and thereby gaining a better understanding of your body and the human movement system, fill out a contact form and sign up for a free consultation.

Free Consultation

Jamie Maguire


One of the things that I appreciate the most about fitness and exercise is that it is a great equalizer. No matter who you are, what you do, or how much money you make, if you want to be strong and fit, you have to work for it. Physical fitness cannot be bought, borrowed, discovered, or stolen. The wealthiest person in the word has to work just as hard as the poorest person to be fit.


At Foundation Personalized Fitness you will receive just that; a personalized training program.

Each one of us is on our own path toward health and fitness. Some are looking to better understand and eliminate chronic pain. Others want to build strength and endurance, or increase their mobility and range of motion. Some people want to learn the valuable mechanics of lifting and how those concepts apply to human movement.

And some people might not even be interested in lifting weights at all but would rather harness a better understanding of their running mechanics and how to optimize this to improve their strength and endurance for running, along with one of the most important factors; eliminating nagging pain and injuries, which is so common for runners.

Intro To Running

By taking a personalized approach to training and meeting each person at wherever they are in their life, obstacles that seemed insurmountable will be overcome, strength that you didn’t know you had will be discovered, and a better understanding of how to take care of your body in order to keep it strong and pain free will be achieved.