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We will discuss your goals, exercise history, any injuries, surgeries or chronic pain, and additionally we will go over nutrition guidelines, and the absolute best way to go about hitting your goals. It’s an open dialogue conversation in order for us to get to know you better. After this we will do an overall physical assessment, looking at your posture and basic movement patterns in order to identify any tight muscles and any overactive or underactive muscle groups.

This generally takes about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes. Please dress in your typical gym clothes.


Mobility, stretching and corrective exercise

Stretching and Corrective Exercise is essential in addressing joint and muscle pain, and creating strong, stable movement patterns.

In order to rid yourself of chronic pain as well as gain full range of motion throughout your joints and muscles, we will need to understand and implement mobility and stretching techniques, and emphasize a corrective exercise plan. Corrective exercise is especially important in addressing overactive and underactive muscles, which leads to joint and muscle pain due to overuse of one muscle group while conversely underusing another muscle group. In addition to dealing with chronic pain, using stretching and mobility to achieve a better range of motion allows you to perform exercises within that range, leading to more strength and a higher calorie burn since you are moving yourself and your weights a greater distance. While it may not seem like much to get an extra inch or 2 in your squat, that little bit adds up to a lot more than you realize.

What Is Corrective Exercise Stretch Therapy and Myofascial Release



Building strength is one of the most positive and practical things you can do for yourself.

Having stronger muscles leads to a greater calorie burn both during your workout as well as your recovery afterward, because there is more muscle that requires fueling and then healing. And of course on the practical side, your muscles are what protect your bones and joints. They are the tissues surrounding and moving your skeletal system. So the stronger your muscles are the more cushioning and protection your bones and joints have from falls or accidents or whatever life might throw at you.


Cardio, weight loss, and nutrition

Strength training, combined with cardio, and a solid nutrition plan will always be your best bet for health and fitness.

Nutrition is always one of the more complicated aspects of personal health, for the very reason that it tends to be personal. Everyone’s body reacts to certain foods in different ways, therefore there usually isn’t a one size fits all approach to nutrition. You need to try different approaches and wait to see if it yields results. If after 2-3 weeks you’re not seeing any kind of change then it’s time to try something different. This is usually what causes people the most frustration and leads to giving up. Understanding that this is a process that takes time, but that the goal is not a short term change but a life change, is essential. The most important thing to understand in this process is that what you’re trying to create is a sustainable lifestyle. I want to say that again, this plan should be sustainable. You can’t spend the rest of your life drinking protein shakes for breakfast and lunch. Or maybe you can! This is a personal choice about what is a lifestyle you can maintain. We will discuss what you think you’re capable of committing to, not a short term, starvation diet. If you aren’t able to live with it, then it’s not the right plan for you.

Nutrition 101